Tuesday, July 28, 2009

McQueen - 2010 Resort Collection. (Want. Crave. Desire)

Okay, it's not the most coherent of collections, but I want to wear every single one of these designs.

Too cool.

Not a huge fan of the "don't mind me, I've just been painting in the studio" look, but those sleeves are inspired. Love love.

Asymmetrical cardi with metallic stockings. Wow. This looks like someone I want to know.

Amazing stockings.

Ti hi hi! Check out the shoes!!

Perfect. Simply perfect.

Pretty cool. A little bit "boom boom pow", but I'm feeling those sleeves.

Okay, little costume-y (again), but hell, they're pretty fun.

Zipper dress. Always good.

Ooo, strong finish! Pretty!

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