Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sydney Writers' Festival

So tomorrow is a rather scary day for me. After recently starting at Giramondo publishing as a publicity/marketing intern, most of my work has been behind-the-scenes work through the internet and telephone.

Not tomorrow though! Oh no! For the first time I will be meeting with some of the authors I will be working with: Antigone Kefala and Robert Gray. They will be speaking at the Lived Lives panel to discuss (auto)biographical literature.

Now when I get nervous I tend to obsess about the little things. Logically I know that what I'm wearing will have no impact on my professional ability. But I still need to get it just right, if only so I feel socially comfortable. In my opinion there is nothing which messes with your esteem more than an ill-considered outfit. And for tomorrow it needs to be professional yet creative, respectful yet expressive. Basically, all I want to wear tomorrow is structured black pieces...
This is a summer version of what I'm thinking. Black military dress and big leather bag. For tomorrow I'll add in some stockings and a coat.

And of course, my signature shades. Gotta love the Lennon!

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, just out blog hopping a bit and found your post... Confidence is a big deal and feeling comfortable in your skin is important. I so get it about worrying about what to wear. You should see my room before I do any public speaking. Most people don't notice or care, but they do notice if you're confident, or not.

    Love the shades!

    Have fun.
